Thursday, April 15, 2010

Workspace & The Cat

For 5 years now I have been owned by a male Siamese cat named Ozzy. For those of you who are not animal lovers, or who have not experienced that special bond I call "animal soul mate" ... just skip to the pictures.

Ozzy is my best buddy, my snuggler, my Quilt Inspector, my constant companion. Siamese cats do tend to get a bad rap (remember those two nasty cats in Lady & The Tramp??) but I have to say it is completely undeserved. They are intelligent, loving, loyal, and very very curious (not to mention beautiful IMNSHO). In a lot of ways they are like a dog --- but with those silly quirks that are included in all feline nature.

Like, wanting to be the recipient of your undivided attention --- when they feel like it. Wanting to be underfoot, or "on project". They like to frisk and play with fabric you would rather they never touch ... and sometimes they get the dog involved. They are also imbued with a 6th sense for seeking out the position that is 1) the warmest 2) most comfortable 3) most inconvenient for their human pets.

It is not too often that I manage to take a quilt picture he is NOT in, or sit at my sewing table without having him sneak into a position of comfort.

To illustrate:

1 comment:

frazzledsugarplummum said...

Completely and utterly adorable. I have six but one particular special kitty that is supposed to be my sons. I am such a sucker for a sob story.