Thursday, October 13, 2011


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After my last post Murphy's Law jumped up and got me. I shared some tips on keeping your machine clean and happy ---- and a day later my sweet Babylock BROKE. I was happily FMQing and I stopped to shift the sandwich and the machine made an odd "CLUNK". I stared at it carefully and prayed really hard. As I slowly started the needle moving again the sounds were "tink tink tink TINK SNAP" --- the sound of the needle hitting the throat plate and snapping off. After more examination I have concluded that something must be loose in the upstairs part - a something that keeps the needle shaft thingy aligned as it comes down. It is off to the dealer (under warranty still, small blessings) and I have been pretty forlorn. I love that machine! We have such great times together ....

A sweet friend did lend me a spare machine so I have been trying to get to know it. It is a Husqvarna 400 and I was fairly sure it did not like me. After I learned how to properly thread the bobbin case though I think we can have a decent working relationship. I don't think it will move fast enough for me to FMQ but I can still do straight seams --- better than a kick in the pants!

Next up: The little 4-patch that is taking over the world!

Photo courtesy of QATW


Quiet Quilter said...

Oh, My!! I just posted about my machine! Hope it's not an epidemic!!! Glad you had a nice friend with a machine to keep you somewhat sane...

quilton said...

Something is going around. Our machines are getting together and causing all of us angst. I hope you get it back soon. I feel like I've lost my best friend when my machine is in sick bay.

Elizabeth said...

I'm almost convinced it is the damp weather coming! I can't believe how many machines are sick lately.